Wednesday 30 November 2016

8 top reasons why men cheat

1. Disturbance in the marriage as the primary reason.

When there are regular fights at home with his wife, which are left unresolved, a pattern sets in wherein he continues to be unhappy and 'disturbed'. In this kind of a scenario, either he can fight or he can flee. When he looks for an affair, he is looking to flee from dealing with the issues in the marriage, and be comfortable with that 'other person'. It is telling oneself that the problems do not affect anyone and life can continue in a better way with a parallel support.

2.Cheating men report boredom led to the affair.

Some men may find the routine of a married life to be tedious and dull. These men find it easier to shift dominance or primacy to another relationship and feel the spark outside to be a thrilling option; instead of finding ways of charging their marriage. It becomes present moment for gratification versus the hard job that they will have to do in their marriage to resolve an issue. The extra-marital relationship provides them with a readymade and fresh experience, which is appealing enough to take the risk.

3. Cheating men love to experiment sexually.

Sex has always been and will always be an integral part of a marriage. While some men are quite content spending the rest of their lives having sex with the same wife for many years, others prefer to experiment more as a need, rather than as an option. They want to sleep with many women, many times, and therefore do not think twice before an extra-marital alliance. It perhaps makes them feel sexually powerful and more adept than others.

4. Cheating men are emotionally dissatisfied.

When their wives are too busy with their own lives, working or bringing up children or even looking after in-laws and parents, emotionally, men are left high and dry. But men are emotionally driven beings too. They want their wives to show them that they're appreciated, and they want women to understand how hard they're trying to get things right. Most men consider it unmanly to ask for a pat on the back, which is why their emotional needs are often overlooked. Sometimes the couple may not be compatible so however much the wife may do, the man will always find something to complain about.It may also happen that the woman he cheats with is his co-worker or boss, someone who praises him, looks up to him, and compliments his efforts. That's another reason why it's so critical that he feel valued at home.

5. Cheating men have a history of EMR.

Some men, in their childhood, may have witnessed cheating in their parent's marriage. This some where gives them a message that it is okay to cheat, even though deep inside they know this is wrong. All of us learn from our parents, so taking the risk is good enough. This acquired learning also happens through cheating resorts taken by elder siblings, neighbours, peer group and everybody who has been impacted. Sometimes as teenagers and young adults, some men have had multiple relationships, these men either intentionally or accidentally end up going back to their ex-girlfriends. The other lot goes back to their past style of having multiple relationships. It is well said, what a mind thinks, achieves. So there are females also who are either consciously or unconsciously looking for such men.

6. Cheating men have wives who cheat

Men also take revenge with their cheating wives, by having multiple relationships themselves. Even if their wives are guilty and come accept their extra-marital relationships, some men continue with their tricks. This is mostly done by men who don't want to forgive their spouses.

7. Cheating men think it to be 'divorce'

Some men are willfully adulterous and use it as a means for acquiring divorce. The law also considers adultery as a fair ground for the wife to seek a divorce. The man is cheating openly and is in a non-receptive mood, taking the wife's feelings of frustration to an all-time high. Although this percentage is less but it is there.

8. Cheating men need to be needed.

When men feel that they are not needed by their wife anymore, they look out for some other woman, who can understand them and make them feel special. As an obvious outcome of a new relationship, they get that feeling from the other woman. And suddenly when they are showered with attention, which they haven't received in a very long time in their marriage, they toss their hands in the air and get deep into the new hot and happening relationship.

8 Reasons Women Cheat: This May Surprise You!

Reason 1.

Lack of attention and intimacy: How long can you go without receiving love and attention before you look somewhere else? Some can go for only days or weeks, and others can go for years. However, in general, women need and desire intimacy, physical touch, and mental and emotional attention.If you are not receiving this from your husband or boyfriend, it will only be a matter of time and you may seek it from another i.e. a caring guy friend, the attentive guy who feeds your emotional needs at your workplace, or the hot trainer at the gym. Women deprived of attention, compliments, and compassion; usually have emotional affairs. That doesn't mean it won't lead to sex, but initially they crave the attention and compassion that has been absent from their relationship.

Reason 2.

Revenge:Being cheated on is a verydifficult act to forgive. For those of you who have been cheated on, you know how awful it feels. You feel deceived, hurt, angry, sad, numb and even violated. It also affects your self-esteem. At the moment, you find out your man cheated, your whole body begins to shake, you begin to sweat, your stomach drops, and you feel nauseated.Clearly, it negatively affects your relationship, your mood, behavior, and your ability to trust the cheater ever again. When you have been cheated on, some of you may want toget revenge by making them feel the way you felt. This can lead you, to do the cheating next. The biggest truth is that cheating never solves a relationship problem. Communication, assertiveness and increasing passion and romance in your relationship are a much better solution.

Reason 3.

Bad sex:Women need to feel desired and experience REAL orgasms during sex.If women are getting bad sex, not enough sex, non-emotional sex, or "wham-bam-thank-you-mam" sex, you may eventually lose interest in the relationship and look elsewhere for GOOD sex! This creates a temptation to seek sexual or emotional satisfaction elsewhere. In myopinion, it's best to communicate your needs to your man with the hopes that he will step it up a notch. You can do this on your own or with the help of a sex therapist.

Reason 4.

Weight loss/plastic surgery:Male attention increases quickly after a boob job, a butt implant or weight loss, and so does your self-confidence. With all this male attention, your temptation to cheat rises, and it takes more self-control to resist some of those male offers. Once you realize other guys want you, your desire to act on it may have you feeling euphoric. However, be careful, act wisely and make your pros and cons list.

Reason 5.

Financial independence:When you feel financially dependent on your husband or boyfriend, it's more difficult to speak up in arguments or leave the relationship. The fear of being alone and financially unstable keeps you in a one-down position. Now that women make their own money, enjoy working, and are good at it, the need to stay in an unhappy relationship is not necessary. That feeling of power and independence can be like seeing the red carpet laid out for you; all the way to those other fish in the sea.

Reason 6.

Low self-esteem:When you feel insecure about yourself, you have a need to seek validation from others. This can be in the form of sexual, emotional, or intellectual attention. When you don't love or value yourself, you may project that onto the person you are in a relationship with, and believe they don't love or value you. Even if your husband or boyfriend loves you greatly, you still may cheat because you find it hard to accept their unconditional love. I suggest reading one of the many self-help books out there on building your self-esteem, or get some counseling to help improve self-confidence.

Reason 7.

Feeling under-appreciated:When you are in a relationship, you like to please your man. Cooking a romantic dinner, buying sexy lingerie, and listening with your heart, are just a few ways you may show your love and appreciation. So what happens when you don't hear "thank you, please or I love you.” Holidays and birthdays come and you don't receive anything meaningful, nothing at all, not even a verbal acknowledgment. We all have thresholds, and once yours is reached, you may decide to act on a "thank you, please, or I love you" coming from another direction. Let your man know he may lose you if he continues to take you for granted.

Reason 8.

Bored:He doesn't spray on that good smelling cologne anymore, his clothing is wrinkled, stained or way out-of- date. When he comes home from work (assuming he has a job), it's the same old thing; "what's for dinner"? When the weekend comes, he says he's tiredand just wants to relax at home, or go out to the same sports bar you go every weekend.The routine is the same over and over again. You are no longer on the same page. You barely have anything in common. You are feeling emotionally distant from him. You find yourself looking at other prospects and fantasize about being with someone else. You begin to feel excited (something you haven't felt in "forever") just thinking about it.There are many ways to spice up an old, tired relationship. Boredom is something that can be resolved with a little, or sometimes a moderate amount of effort. It requires both of you introducing new ideas and behaviors, and some spontaneity. Be sure of what you want.